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Do you enjoy sex: delightful or repulsive?


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1 Year Member
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A week ago I asked if people enjoy French kissing. Most people said that it is delightful, but some had the opinion that it is outright repulsive.

How about sex? Let's not assume the answer to this question, and see what people will reply.

Do you enjoy having sex (if the partner is very attractive)?

A) Very delightful
B) Quite pleasing
C) A neutral experience
D) A bit uncomfortable
E) Very repulsive
F) Otherwise would be nice, but it causes me physical pain too much
Answer: A) Very delightful - but with exception. That exception is the attractiveness of my partner. She does not have to be the proverbial ten. Or even an 8, 7, 6, and so on. What makes a romp in the bed is how well we match up both physically and mentally. A partners enthusiasm for wanting to have sex with me makes me want to have sex with her all the more. She doesn't have to be "very attractive". Yes, it's nice that she is attractive and has taken care of herself but that's not all there is to it. Her desire for me and myself as a whole makes for a great time having sex. Plus how we fit together, penis in vagina, tops it all off. That's the icing on the cake.

Attractiveness unnecessary. Inner and outer Beauty count the mostest !!
OH MY, A for sure!!!!!
A) Very delightful
A and B.

Sometimes even a C.

It all depends on what's being done to my clit and how his dick is performing on the day.
I love sex....now when it comes to "attractiveness" you know what they say - The Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

For example, I been with women that are not that attractive based on the average social standards of beauty BUT they may have something attractive TO ME.

Example! years ago, I used to have sex with a co-worker....she was in her 50s, not that good looking to be honest HOWEVER she had big tits and her oral skills were incredible. We had a loooot of fun together. IDK sometimes sex can be a form of expressing the love you feel for your partner, other times is just about lust and having fun with other person.
1 Comment
USABarry commented
Your final statement is so true. Sex is always fun but there is a difference between expressing love and just lustful fucking, even with the one you love.