Welcome to Candela’s Place
Candela’s Place contains adult content and is not intended for audiences under the age of 18 (or age 21 where law requires).
We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their time spent on Candela’s Place and we have the following rules in place to help keep things safe and fun for everyone.
We reserve the right to amend or update these rules at any time without notice.
Important Update:
In order to protect people from being exploited on this site, we will now only allow members to post photos of their faces if they are verified. This includes uploaded photos as well as avatars. We are not forcing anyone to verify, but please do not post photos of your face if you are not willing to prove you truly are the person in the photo.
You must be of legal age to join this site. By registering and participating on this site, you certify you are at least 18 years old (age 21 where required) and your local laws do not prohibit participation on adult-content forums.
No Discussion or Content Pertaining to Minors: Discussion and/or images of minors is strictly prohibited, not even in innocent conversation. This includes discussion and/or descriptions of persons not considered to be legal age to use this site.
Be Courteous: Please be kind and treat members and staff with respect. We want an enjoyable and happy place for everyone. Bullying, body shaming, racism, hate speech, gender harassment, trolling, et cetera, is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.
Only One Account Per Member: You may only have one account, and except in the case of couples, you may not share your account with anyone.
Fake Accounts: Any profiles created to deceive or harass others will be removed. Any profiles found to be posting content of anyone other than themselves will be removed. Couple accounts may post content of both members of the couple. We reserve the right to request verification that you are the content owner of questionable content.
Personal Content:
You, the member, are responsible for any content you contribute to the site. The content uploaded and opinions expressed by members of this community do not reflect the the views of the site owner.
Do not post content (images, videos, et cetera) you do not own without the permission of the content owner. Material that is found to not belong to you will be removed.
Content that has the potential of identifying any person, such as phone numbers, real names, addresses, et cetera, is not allowed.
Pictures of exes/former partners are not permitted unless the person is a member of Candela's Place and provides consent.
Do not publicly ask members for any personally identifying information. Please use private messages/conversations.
Illegal activities and extreme or obscene content and/or discussion of such activities is prohibited, including but not limited to, violence, pedophilia, bestiality, rape, sex trafficking, prostitution, incest, revenge porn, scat, blood, torture, mutilation, et cetera. No private conversations may be started about any of the mentioned topics. These activities will result in a permanent ban.
Moderators and administrators will work diligently to remove content and posts which do not follow the rules. Please report any content you feel may need our attention.
Avatars and Profile Cover Photo:
Avatars or profile cover photos/banners cannot contain any nudity. Avatars and cover photos/banners can only show your face if you are a verified member (see above). Cleavage and wet T-shirts are acceptable. Nudity below the belt is not permitted in Avatars or cover photos/ banners. If the image is a photo of a person, the gender of the person in the Avatar/banner should reflect the member’s own gender. No gif avatars. No minors can be depicted in Avatars/banners (or anywhere on the site).
If you choose to post photos including your face, please visit our
Verification Forum
for instructions on verifying your account.
Spamming the forums or site feed is not allowed. This includes uploading multiple images at once, site links, et cetera. Duplicate posts are not permitted and will be removed. Links to outside sites for the purposes of advertising are not allowed.
If you wish to advertise, you must contact the owner of Candela’s Place for permission. This includes links to other sites or blogs used to promote your content.
Certain topics and threads have specific rules regarding content allowed to be posted in them. Please read sticky notes and any rules before posting in a thread or creating a new topic.
As this is an amateur site, posting of internet porn is limited to 5 (five) posts per day and must be posted only in the threads where permitted in the
Internet Porn
Forum. This includes both photos and gifs. You may only post 5 total per day. Posting internet porn in the media gallery or in other topics or threads is not allowed.
You are not to offer goods or services in return for money or any other form of compensation, nor offer money or any other form of compensation in return for goods or services. Linking to gift lists, requesting gifts, and the like are not allowed.
Copyright Holders: Candela's Place respects the rights of content owners and will remove content at the request of those owning the copyright.
Thank you for reading the site rules! If you have any questions, please contact a moderator or administrator.
If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.